Friday, August 9, 2019

Wedding Makeup Podcast with His and Hers Foto

I posted this to my FB and IG accounts, but never got this published here on the blog.

If you want to hear about wedding makeup from the photographers' perspectives and my own observations, this podcast is for you!

I always love to talk about makeup and Kristi & Oscar Allen recently invited me to be a guest on their Life As Art podcast.

Tune in as we talk about all things makeup (and maybe some other topics too) by visiting

I have learned I love wearing headsets and talking into the microphones!

Oscar and Kristi are great hots and a great photography team! You can view their photography at His and Hers Foto.

Makeup Artist Madness at Weddings _ Makeup by Keri Ann
His and Hers Foto and Makeup by Keri Ann discuss "Makeup Artist Madness" on the Life As Art Podcast

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Connect with me! For more makeup tips and advice:

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